
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bees work for others indirectly - Outsiders benefit

draw attention to the fact that nothing can be efficiently described – try to open people’s eyes to the nearly unavailable accumulation.


so today . meeting Mitch at 11 in Salt Lake for lunch.
then we are going shopping for wedding attire... we are attending 3 weddings together this month. & Mitch is shooting a wedding in Toronto in about 2 weeks. august is jam-packed with weddings... sheesh. we realized we have nothing suitable for attending a wedding. hopefully we can fix that today.. wish us luck. I really don't like shopping much. I like online shopping. cause its easy.

i've been learning new tricks on my hula hoop lately. it is so fun. I want to be way good at it sometime soon.
see ya

mitch likes this song... and i love it too. its great.


Ginger said...

Oh for a second I was shocked when I read "wedding". Have fun.

Ginger said...
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