i had
rice for dinner.
rice for meals from now til a while. i need to slim down so i don't look like a walrus for winter.
i need new clothes. that are unique and actually look good on me and that aren't so plain and boring. i also need a vacation. to a tropical place probably.

we got a new stove today. our kitchen looks pretty fly these days. we finally got all our appliances to match - stainless steel with black. nice. and we painted our countertops grey. now all we need is to re-do the floors in the kitchen and BAM - we can sell this place and peace out.

i've started on my herbal courses. its so fun. but i just wish i had a place locally to go to to purchase herbs that i need. or that i had an herb garden. but its too cold to start one now. boo.
this is my song for today ` enjoy. dig it my friend
why would you want to sell that place it looks nice??
because it is too far away from work and fun things... suburbs = no bueno.
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