i love this season. the crisp mornings. the changing colors. warm food. & the cozy clothes.
autumn however, is best spent in Apple Hill. also known as... my hometown of Camino, CA.
my house is located smack dab in the middle of it all. there are farms & orchards literally 1 minute away from the camino house. fresh picked apples in the yard, freshly pressed cider. APPLE PIES. apple raviolis... i'll have to get the recipe for that. its a secret.
carmel apples & sweets. driving 2 minutes to boa vista for pumpkins.
apple hill easily has the best fruits & veggies ever. i grew up luck. i never realized how perfect all of our fruits & veggies were until i moved.
our ranch is called the Chestnut Ridge Ranch. we sell chestnuts, the biggest ones in the area probably. we have a lot & people love them. we sell plums when they grow too. & we are also a christmas tree farm but we only have baby trees so far. it'll take a while for those to get big enough to be sent off into the living rooms of families.
during fall i always want to do puzzles. autumn themed puzzles. we have a couple at my house in california but i have none here. i think i'll have to order some. i'm also going to make my grandmas shortbread & hopefully get the top secret recipe for apple ravioli. it is the best thing ever. i can't wait to carve pumpkins & do little fall things. halloween is soonish & i think i am going to be mother earth for halloween. maaaaybe. my birthday is october 4th. october is a great month. i love fall, because i'm a fall baby.

i'm excited & nervous for colder weather. because cold weather to me is just 38 when it snows (sometimes) in camino. i get freezing when its 50. but here in utah it gets really cold... & as most know i do not own "warm" clothes. at all. i don't even own shoes for cold weather. i only have my moccasins. i'll have to start getting clothes now.
here are the sierra nevadas in fall. oh i miss them sooo much. i'm a bit homesick. i think its because its fall. & i love my hometown in the fall. it feels so cozy & fall is like the ultimate time to be with your family. did i already say i love fall? sheesh.
here are the sierra nevadas in fall. oh i miss them sooo much. i'm a bit homesick. i think its because its fall. & i love my hometown in the fall. it feels so cozy & fall is like the ultimate time to be with your family. did i already say i love fall? sheesh.

don't fret my dear its not turning yet. they days are still long and hot. and the colors of the trees have yet to changed.the river is still warm. well reletivly. the only things changed. aesop now wieghs 30 pounds and still growing.
and he poops alot ouside and i hate cleaning it up so i guess a bunch of little kids have been stepping in it and getting it all over the carpet. ahahahaha parents are stupid and so are kids.
So pretty! Lane's birthday is October 2nd. I love fall birthdays.
who knew you had a chestnut farm? lol thats sweet.
I liked this blog a lot
it made me more excited to get down there.
I think its still going to be hot when I am there. but im going "warm" clothes shopping today anyways. ps. I have those boots on my UO wish list too. haha
I wish I had a big Nikon so I could make my own postcards.
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