
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

mmm dang that truffle was delish. can't wait for the next one.
i made that necklace. i wish i had the $ to make as many as i wanted. but dang that beadstore is eXpennnsive. i spent a long time in there and came out with only those supplies plus two other small things. so hard. being creative is expensive. its the truth.
tomorrow my mother comes home. i can not wait. i want to go buy paints so bad & go to trader joes for some mochi ice cream and pretty much everything else in that store. who else loves trader joes as much as i do? it SUCKED living in utah with out it. it has a couple cool things but nothing comparable to california. i do miss it sometimes tho. the canyons ,my few friends i had there. the grid system. oh man. the grid system. bummer. i took a way long nap today so now i'm doomed to stay awake most of the night. i need a sleeping pill. i don't want to be sick. anyone know any remedies to keep me from getting sick? i'll consult my herb book. its my bible.


Chanelle Gallafent said...

being creative can be soo expensive, i know. like those oil paints and brushes i told you about. i bough a few big tubes and a few really good brushes and they were over $100 it was ridiculous! i wish they had cheap but good arts and crafts stuffs.... hmmph. love the necklace xoxoxo

Ginger said...

Funny. That is what I think about Cali. Not as cool as it thinks it is. I guess we always love the place our roots were planted and nothing else will ever compare.

Lisa said...

keep dreaming big cassie- it's all there for you!

michelle said...

hi I love your necklace.

Pres8Jes said...

utah thinks its cool?
utah has perfect mountains.
but thats about it.

i think you know the remedies for fighting sickness, just keep doin it, plus rest, you'd not believe how much it will help.
i didnt get much of it last night, my daughter has me wrapped around her finger and i need help!
i leave tonight.
im excited for a vacay

Jade said...

if you are a natural doctor i will definately come to you. nobody understands my boys rash/infection... and i'm all out of ideas. and you have a good blog.