"if you've never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame"
yan-yan's - SUCH a weird Japanese treat. you dip these in a vanilla frosting. but like, read what's on the sticks. so funny.
my new lamp shade:
plus, randomly and surprisingly my mom just happened to have drawers full of different cords, lace, fringe etc so i didn't have to go pick anything out at a store. i just got to dig through what we already had. how random. my family is so conveniently random. that's an oxymoron if i ever heard
it, right?+++++++++
in other news, i got my new skin for my cellular phone... click to enlarge.
only you would have those, i wanna dip some o them.
hows cali?
im back in utah now,
oh its nice too.
so are you makin it happen or what?
cool phone cover. where do you get them?
skin it is really good. and so is that coach charm. coff coff.
whoa, isn't that the cover that same has on his zune.. or it was the moon, pretty much the same
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