quick funny story. i was outside my apartment & i called up through the window to my cat anouk. & i waited for her. & she popped up in the window & saw me & pushed her head into the screen & meowed all franticly. then she waved her head around meowing the way she does when she wants to see me really bad or cuddle. i was laughing in the driveway/. so when i came through the door she was sitting on the rug like she always is when i walk through the door & she meowed all sweet. she loves her mother so much.

oh, my friend tiffany needs YOUR help. go to her blog and post a comment telling her how many pairs of jeans you own.: tiffany
Yes, socialism sucks. :( Man we should have had an election party. That would be cool to wear red white and blue and watch FOX news channel.
Yeah I really had it on all day yesterday. CNN and MSNBC were too pro Obama for me.
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