9999999999 kitten typed that and i don't want to delete it because she's cute and little. she has890000000000000000mbnnnnnnnm
ok. she did it again. but she has been cuddling on my lap and purring AND meowing. shes sooo cute. i wuv her. but not as much as my anouk - who i miss a lot. my little baby...
iris took a bunch of photos at a mustache party the boys had on saturday. they are so funny! here are some of my favorites:
me & issac always have such weird photos together
i love this photo but steph isnt paying attention
making a winning throw for a team & abbey post-bite
i have more on my facebook. it was so funny to watch everyone and socialize. i love to socialize and be around people... i forget sometimes.
i saw two quails today run across the street on 1100e, a little couple. a boy & a girl. i wonder what that means because i saw a quail couple last week in the parking lot and it was really random because i never see quails. and i live in california.. its our state bird. so seeing them in utah must been something. i wish i brought the animal speak book so i could look it up. google will suffice.