i haven't mastered taking a photo of my self in the mirror. this is the best i could do for now.. me and my new camera.. my sidekick ... my new love.

some photos i took while out on a shoot with lisa this evening - havin fun with the macro.. i love macro. it must be my next lens.

then there is my other cat Minou hiding under the table among the chair legs.. and some birthday banana bread Jean made for me.. SO YUMMY. i wish my birthday was every week so she'd make that for me all the time. -but i had my WhiteBalance set to floresent light and forgot to change it back so these two photos look a little on the blue side.. i'm still learning my camera haha.
i love my nikon. i am so satisfied. i can't wait to receive my package tomorrow with my 50mm f/1.4... so excited.
i love my nikon. i am so satisfied. i can't wait to receive my package tomorrow with my 50mm f/1.4... so excited.
you looks pretty, nice photography ,
my cat
your photos look great! can i have some banana nut bread tomorrow morning please leave a note for me cause i'm going to sleep.
Oh I wanna get a Nikon too !! I'll buy it one day :P And nice photo of u
My b-day was sep 30, last wednesday.. :) and I turned 20..
That sure is a great song ! I looove In the aeroplane over the sea ! I get goosebumbs everytime I hear it!
Oh cool , I've never been in Tahoe, but I have to go there.. preferably in the summer though.. ^^
I live in Los Altos.. towards San Jose area, silicon valley.. it's cool. I like it =)
Thank u ^^
I'm swedish, so I'm writing in swedish :P
aw sorry about your cat!
Yes I've heard alot about Tahoe that it should be nice, so I believe you. I'm just not a snow-person- that's one of the reasons I left sweden hehe- because of the cold :P
but I'll prob go there sometime in the winter too :)
beautiful photos with your new camera:)
I love love your self shot,looking gorgeous<3
Those outdoor shots look great too,guess you're slowly startingto get the hang of it.
Awwww,Minou is so so adorable.Stil thinking if I should get a cat.
Banana bread is my favorite!! I really love eating those. It does look yummy from the photo.
Beautiful pictures! You have a great camera too!
X, fashion-nerdic.
Thank you !! ^^ Well the filter is basically just different layers of colors I put on top of the pictures in photoshop :P I always sit and try stuff..
Yes the swedish is for my friends.. or well, I started writing in swedish and then I added english too, since I'm here now, so everyone else can understand me to :P
Well I came here like exactly a year ago.. and I'm staying until june, then I have to go back for the summer- and hopefully I'll come back for the fall to study..
your fingers are pretty.
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