i got to megs around 7:30 on friday and we ordered a cheese pizza & relaxed , went to bed early.
then saturday we went to Haight to find some new heels for me... i found the best pair ever. i am soooo pleased with them. i want to wear them everywherethen we went to Oakland for our shoot with Michael Blackmon .. it was so fun . i cant wait to see the images from it. it'll be awesome. meg & i got some photos together too which will be way cool to see!!
then after the shoot we went out to meet up with Claire & Erin at Crepes on Cole in the Haight for dinner/dessert & wine (or beer in megs case) . Erin is from Glasgow Scotland and she has an accent ... i love her. and Claire is from Switzerland. so we were all Euro girls. well kinda ... meg just loves to talk in different languages so she counts because of that. haha
then after the shoot we went out to meet up with Claire & Erin at Crepes on Cole in the Haight for dinner/dessert & wine (or beer in megs case) . Erin is from Glasgow Scotland and she has an accent ... i love her. and Claire is from Switzerland. so we were all Euro girls. well kinda ... meg just loves to talk in different languages so she counts because of that. haha
then after we were done being extremely loud and ridiculous in Crepes we walked up the street a bit and found a bar called Finnegans Wake so we had to go in . but it was mostly older people but we had fun anyway. tooons of fun. the guy who was sitting next to us bought us all a drink each which was so nice. but we decided he was a vampire .
i took some photos with my phone but of course they are all fuzzy & dark but they are fantastic anyways.

me & my meg!

me & claire .... this is my favorite photo ever right now!!! it makes me so happy!

meg, me, claire & erin! smooshed... i love them.
and amazingly meg & i made it back by 10:30 . we are wimps.. and we love to sleep... so we prefer to just crash early.. haha
here are two photos from megs back deck
you & meg look like twins in the photo with you guys at the crepe place
haha yes I love this blog entry!! Come back soon for more fun with the euro betches. (and pretend one - me)
haha so funny that you sent me a picture of those heels! i got a picture from you and my mom that day both of new shoes on your feet!
hot shoes!
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