this is the ghost Tom made for me .. i think its got to be the best ghost i've ever seen in my life. I especially like the partial piece of cotton glued to the torso and the different size eyes. its brilliant. its hanging on my wall forever. its so good that i made it the photo of the day for day 5.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
5/30 - halloween ghost
this ghost was made for me by Tom. Tom is the little boy i've been watching since he was 8 months old.. he is 4 now, he turns 5 in January. he has a twin sister Jill.. so i get double the fun & double the cute.
tom jill
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
here is my 4th photo .. this is my sister miranda. i am liking the black & white theme.
Monday, October 26, 2009
3/30 - fall leaves
i picked these leaves today .. and put them in order. i saw this in a national geographic magazine article.. maybe last year. so i re-created it with leaves from my backyard. the top photo is my 3rd photo of the 30 days .. one photo a day! dig it?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
2/30 - self portrait black&white
well there i am.. i shot this with a 24mm manual lens. pretty difficult but i got it down. photo #2 of my 30 days! hope you enjoy it.. since i never post up photos of myself.. i'm mysterious. i never do black and white either, but i felt this photo just looked more.. glamorous and classy.
here is the other photo i took.. everyone seems to like this one better.. i personally like the top one most because its actually sharp and what i was going for.. but gotta go with what the audience likes more i suppose in this business. haha weird how my 2nd choice is always peoples 1st choice. hm.
self portrait
Friday, October 23, 2009
one photo
the video is grainy and weird looking because i had to resize it and stuff. it looked way better before hand.. i need some sort of software to correctly edit videos. sam said he'd help me. whew. i hope i can get the hang of the video part with out it lookin so crummy. lemme know whatcha think anyway
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
storm has arrived
its windy outside and really rainy. i kinda like it but my feet got wet. my boots aren't good for the rain anymore. this is a dilemma. it means i really actually for real need new shoes/boots. oh dear. i'm going to go make some tea and write my essay. oh boy.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
tagged & two new photos

I received the honest scrap from Lions, Tigers & Fashion OH MY!. Here is how it works, list 10 facts about yourself and then pass it on to fellow bloggers as you choose.
1) i don't like citrus
2) my animal totems are bees, moths & vultures. i'm always on the look out for my newest addition.
3) i have a couple of best friends, but only one of them knows exactly what i like (decor, clothes, people, seriously anything).. & that is tayler.
4) one of my goals in life is to ride in a hot air balloon. i day dream about this often
5) the only socks i really ever wear are halloween socks, year round. i just like them..
6) i was born in france, my dad & half of my family are french, i have duel citizenship, i have been to france so many times.. yet i do not speak fluent french!
7) i can't wear red, it looks terrible against my skin tone.
8) i'm only 5'2 and weigh 98lbs. i don't think i look that short or skinny at all! i feel the same size as everyone else.
9) i love my 98 subaru outback , but shh don't tell it.. i secretly want the new outback in brown.
10) i highly enjoy doing math but don't ask me any equations.. because i freeze up & doubt myself.
I would like to pass this on to:
Ginger - FOUR HANDSOME FELLAS with blue eyes.. & ME with green..
Valencia - rollupyoursleeve
Nell , my soul sister - an owls soul
Ruta - Look Ugly in a Photograph
Miranda, my actual sister - define: thoughts
Jade - my name is jade

Ginger - FOUR HANDSOME FELLAS with blue eyes.. & ME with green..
Valencia - rollupyoursleeve
Nell , my soul sister - an owls soul
Ruta - Look Ugly in a Photograph
Miranda, my actual sister - define: thoughts
Jade - my name is jade
here are two photos my sister took of me today with my camera , i like the second one even tho it is blurry. but if you pay attention my jaw/cheek and some of my hair is in focus. haha. & i am wearing my new flannel that fits me like a dream. i will have to get an actual photo of it later. & yesss my eyes really are green, i don't hardly ever edit my pictures i am too lazy for that. toooo lazy for everything these days in fact.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
pictures of myself.. taken by myself.. this is hard
so i finally tried to take some photos of myself. but since all i have is my 50mm its kind of hard. i didn't really want to ask anyone to take the photo for me because well.. i sorta wanted my camera in the photo.. its such a nice detail to what i am wearing.
self portrait
Monday, October 5, 2009
some ..

i haven't mastered taking a photo of my self in the mirror. this is the best i could do for now.. me and my new camera.. my sidekick ... my new love.

some photos i took while out on a shoot with lisa this evening - havin fun with the macro.. i love macro. it must be my next lens.

then there is my other cat Minou hiding under the table among the chair legs.. and some birthday banana bread Jean made for me.. SO YUMMY. i wish my birthday was every week so she'd make that for me all the time. -but i had my WhiteBalance set to floresent light and forgot to change it back so these two photos look a little on the blue side.. i'm still learning my camera haha.
i love my nikon. i am so satisfied. i can't wait to receive my package tomorrow with my 50mm f/1.4... so excited.
i love my nikon. i am so satisfied. i can't wait to receive my package tomorrow with my 50mm f/1.4... so excited.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
YES!! nikon d300s & a drawing !
so, tomorrow is my birthday and you all know i had some trouble getting my nikon d300s the past couple of days.. well.. read on ---
today after working at a wedding all day we arrive back at my boss Lisa's house and SURPRISE! her two wonderful sweet daughters surprise me in the living room and her awesome go-to-all-lengths hilarious husband comes down the hall with a cake lit with candles on it! so cute i wasn't expecting it at all and i was so happy i couldn't stop smiling. to make my smile even bigger .. out comes a pleasantly wrapped box with wrapping paper colored & made by Jaz & Ember .. and inside is a NIKON D300S!!!!!!!! HOLY GEEZE. yeah my smile is permanent. i can't wipe it from my face. i am just so happy and thankful i have such great amazing thoughtful people in my life. its not even my 21st birthday and i'm already so happy. PLUS my friend jedd drew a photo of me .. and his art is BRILLIANT. my gosh. here is jedds flikr page: click here and here is jedds book which i just recently purchased because its too good to not own: book here - so happy with this photo!

you can view the original of this photo by clicking -> here
i am just so happy. i will obviously have photos posted with my new camera from tomorrow until forever. my battery just needs to charge! YES! you guys! this is so rad i am offically a photographer now. p.s. here is my boss Lisa Richmonds website : lisaRICHMOND
you can view the original of this photo by clicking -> here
i am just so happy. i will obviously have photos posted with my new camera from tomorrow until forever. my battery just needs to charge! YES! you guys! this is so rad i am offically a photographer now. p.s. here is my boss Lisa Richmonds website : lisaRICHMOND
: D
Friday, October 2, 2009
egyptian necklace & a let down
well, pretty upset right now. tried twice to get my d300s. but both times failed due to technical difficulties. super frusterated, but i'm online ordering it from b&h on tuesday.. since they are closed (of course) until sunday because of a jewish holiday. juuust my luck. so no new pictures yet. which bums me out because i just bought an awesome necklace today. he is made of silver & turquoise and is from egypt.. he is very very old & he's new friend. i love him so much.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
i am so mad i got rid of this shirt + p.s. i need clothing help
because i really liked it. and i want to wear it the days. because i have nothing new in my wardrobe at all. i am an old boring worn out mess. i need to give my wardrobe an update. maybe next week. because tomorrow i am buying my camera (d300s) and a lens (50mmf/1.4) and a filter.. and a memory card.. so i'll be sorta down on the count for a second there. but next week i'll try to purchase some tank tops & a pair of pants and SOME SHOES i need some shoes. hey all you fashion lovers that i am blog following these days want to point me in the direction of some sweet sites that i can purchase some new threads and digs for not so much?
but first know this: i don't wear the color red, i don't ever really wear tshirts, i don't "match", & i don't wear earrings even tho i have my ears double pierced. i also don't wear heels even tho i am only 5'2. because i go to college and i work therefore heels just don't mix at all. here is my style in various photos, so you can get the idea:
i like vests. and arm bands. if you look closely in every photo of me i have a brown arm band on my left arm. its been there for 4 years, its hemp string. i have seen some people copy me with that & they give up because they knew they are lame for trying to be like me.. suckers. it's not a fashion statement really, it represents my big brother who is in the army. i put it on when he left. it'll probably stay on for the rest of my life. sometimes i put the big gold arm band over it tho. that thing ROCKS.

i wear 4 rings at all times - i dont need any new rings because these never come off.. but i like silver & gold. and i loooove gem stones.

i told you i dont match. thats me on the left. i don't really layer anymore. but i'm pretty relaxed when it comes to getting dressed as you can tell.

i don't have much rack, so i can wear whatever i want. i look so fake baked here but i'm not ,do armpits even tan? geeze. i like dark colors, i prefer wearing black. but i do LOVE color. just bursts of it.

i like bracelets. mostly cloth/string/maryroot. but i do wear metal. that one bracelet is a giraffe.
i also like gold, i just think gold makes you look cleaner with certain outfits. and more warm.

i look a little bit retard here in this photo but i mostly all of the time wear moccassins. i have those boots and my other two slip on mocs. that is my dilemma currently because mocs in wet weather = no good. so i'm on the prowl for some sort of shoes. i'm picky tho. i want some equestrian boots. soo sick.
gosh i really don't have many photos of myself full body wearing what i wear. i guess i need to start. because i want to remember one day what i dressed like. i wear loose fitting clothing except my pants, only some. i'll publish more of what i wear so that everyone can see it, make fun of it, or dig it and compliment. either way i'm gonna be more interesting here in the blogosphere. now that i will have a camera so i'll post up good photos. and that i will be painting more so people can buy my work. i do custom..
bon nuit ~
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