today feels like its been going on foreeevvveeerr..
i woke up at 4 , because audra & jackie had to wake up to go to work. they both work at Bean Barn. but, in the mean time sam knew i had to wake at 4 am so he wanted me to call him to wake him up because he had to work at 6. (he is one hour ahead of me) so i called.. no answer. called 2 more times. nothing. i got home and called once more before going back to bed.. nada. i was worried but what else can i do? so i text him and hoped he was awake. i woke up again around 8 and he also was just waking up.
sam .. oh dear.he is in parkcity today. working on a 20million dollar mansion. if i had 20million dollars.. do you want to know what i would do with it?
i will SHOW you.

audi a3. need i say more?

105mm 2.8

sb 800 flash

80-200mm 2.8

plane tickets - to:
croatia, south america, japan, china,
norway, france & egypt.. & thats just for this year.

my own home library. i would LOVE this right now.

chinchillas.. oh man i want one SO bad.

i would adopt & donate more to the world wildlife fund ..
i've already donated to the amur leopard & the bison. love

i've always wanted my own horses, donkeys & mules.
i love mules..

donate to this charity.. as well as tons of others.

a honda metro.. so i can ride around with my sammer.

california king tempurpedic ... oh YUM
gosh i'd get a lot of stuff. i cant even think of what else. i'd get a lot of little things. and save a ton of it too. i'd get a house in salt lake city. and in Nice, France too.
but i don't have 20 million dollars. and i am pretty satisfied with what i have already. so i think thats pretty cool.